Friday, September 10, 2010

Collage Assignment

All of the things I included in my collage mean a lot to me and show how I became who I am. The pictures of people show my family back home and all my friends back home. I even included a picture of my roommates here at Belmont who have become my new friends. The road kind of divides the picture. The top right is my hometown and the bottom left is my life in Nashville. I included my hobbies such as listening to music (the Bob Dylan lyrics and butterfly confetti from Coldplay concert), playing soccer as is shown by the soccer ball, and taking fun photos with my Diana Mini that’s drawn under the Bible verse. Speaking of the verse, I wrote in my favorite verse to show what I believe and that my faith is important to me. I chose the color purple because its my favorite color and I picked blue because it represented the sky in the landscape country drawing. I wrote the verse in red because red it the best color that represents love, and I felt it would help connect it with the red butterfly on the collage.

  • Decisions: I chose things that meant a lot to me and that I also thought would be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Color: The colors went along with the things I like and what I was trying to portray.
  • Light: The dark places were the things of Nashville/Belmont. The lighter parts of the collage were the things of my past. I didn’t choose to do it that way because I was pessimistic about the future, but just because the future is unknown, and the past is so well known and exposed already.
  • Texture: The textures in my collage were created by textures in my drawings.
  • Volume: I didn’t use cutouts but I tried to use shading and dark areas to create volume.
  • Line: I chose to use a diagonal axis and had an implied line along that axis using the road and the placement of the pictures.
  • Space: I used the road as perspective and created foreground with the skyline and background with the landscape.
  • Scale: Nashville kind of stands out the most because it is one of the biggest part of my life right now because I am adjusting to a new life here.
  • Symbolism: Butterflies=Coldplay, Road=Moving, Skyline=Nashville, Country fence=Cleburne, Soccer ball=My love of soccer, American Flag=where I live

  • You: My love of Coldplay, my faith, and my favorite sport (soccer) make me who I am today and I represented this by confetti from a Coldplay concert, my favorite Bible verse, and a soccer ball.
  • Friends and Family: I put picture of all my friends and family because they definitely play a major part in making me who I am.
  • Your town, community, school: I represented my old town (Cleburne) and my new town (Nashville) in the drawings I made. I added a picture of my new Belmont community and school.
  • Your country: The flag in the top left corner represents that I am an American.
  • The world today: Just the clothes we are wearing and the architecture of the buildings show the style of the world today. The Bible verse is also more of a reminder of how the world should be.
  • Art: Art means a lot to me and that’s why I chose to do a lot of drawing in my collage. Art in the world today is expressed through the architecture in the Nashville skyline and by Coldplay because although it is still a different medium of art, it is still art.
  • History: The bell tower also expresses the rich history of it. What Belmont has because has changed the rest of my life because I chose to come here. It was also a very big part of history in the Civil War, and it fits into art because if it wasn’t so aesthetically pleasing it wouldn’t be what we center our campus around.


  1. I really like how you incorporated so much drawing into the collage. I love Coldplay, so i thought it was really cool that you added those butterflies from the concert. Your collage definitely taught me a little about you, Good Job!

  2. So this is my third comment on this post, I think I'm just going to point out my favorite part.

    I like that you divided your life down the middle of the collage and gave equal weight to both while representing your past with pictures (memories)

  3. Hi, i like the way the collage is organized. the way that you included a variety of textures in the collage like the one on the road or on the fence. the organization of the collage shows that you put a lot of effort in deciding where and what to include. The pictures look good. Well done!!!

  4. I Love how you have used space in this collage, everything isn't all jumbled up together. I also really like the fact that you drew in your background. I Love the sketches of Nashville!
